Selecting the most promising marketing strategies for expansion after testing a variety of different marketing strategies.
The investment of your time and money in the promotion of your product or service that fails in the marketplace is a waste of both. Sales and profits are more likely to be achieved if you test your marketing and your strategies. Be mindful of the fact that every dollar you spend on market testing will ultimately save you thousands of dollars in marketing costs down the road.
In this course, you’ll discover the following vital information through thorough and accurate market research:
Phase 1 - Market Testing for Success (Basic)
- Lesson 1: Definition of Squeeze Pages
- Lesson 2: Landing Page vs Squeeze Page
- Lesson 3: Generating Traffic to a Squeeze Page
- Lesson 4: Generating Traffic to a Squeeze Page – Generate Free (unpaid) Squeeze Page Promotion
- Lesson 5: Channel hopping – What is Omni Channel Marketing and How Does it Benefit your Brand